1 1.0079 H Hydrogen

A modular CSS foundation
designed for minimalists.


Getting Started

Practical for projects of any size.

Hydrogen is a lightweight modular CSS foundation designed for minimalists, with a powerful collection of components and utility classes. The aim of this project to allow for beautiful front-end's to be developed quickly.

You can starting working with Hydrogen in multiple ways. The option with least resistance is a <link> referencing the free unpkg CDN.


<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/hydrogen-css"/>


npm install hydrogen-css


A minimal reset to create cross-browser consistency.

Hydrogen includes a minimal css reset to reduce browser inconsistencies in things like default line heights, margins and font sizes of headings etc.

Explicit font sizes for headings to ensure consistent rendering. For example, without explicit font sizes, the user agent stylesheet will apply differing sizes to headings within a <section>.

All sizing within Hydrogen is done using rem. All rem units are converted to base 16, so 1rem is equal to 16px.


em based progressive sizing.

By default, all headings, paragraphs, and code use system fonts, using the most modern one available on a user's operating system. All font-sizes are based on em units.


H1 Heading

H2 Heading

H3 Heading

H4 Heading

H5 Heading
H6 Heading


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


  • Lorem ipsum
  • Lorem ipsum
  • Lorem ipsum
  1. Lorem ipsum
  2. Lorem ipsum
  3. Lorem ipsum

Description List



A perfect base for beautiful buttons.

Hydrogen offers two styles of button, bordered and filled. The default .h-btn class is combined with .h-btn-fill to create a filled button. The styles are intended to serve as a base and can easily be overriden.

<button class="h-btn">Button</button>
<button class="h-btn" disabled>Disabled Button</button>

<button class="h-btn h-btn-fill">Fill Button</button>
<button class="h-btn h-btn-fill" disabled>Disabled Fill Button</button>


Elegant override for default table styles.

To override the default user agent table styles, simply append the .h-tbl class to the <table> element. To add striped rows, also append the .h-tbl-striped class.

# Header Header Header Header
1,001 Lorem ipsum dolor sit
1,002 amet consectetur adipiscing elit
1,003 Integer nec odio Praesent
<table class="h-tbl">


Easily create user navigation components.

Foundational styles of both vertical and inline navigation components. By default the .h-menu class renders a vertical navigation component, to make inline simply append the .h-menu-inline modifier.

Include the optional .h-menu-heading element to include a descriptive title.

Vertical Menu

<div class="h-menu">
  <span class="h-menu-heading">DEFAULT MENU</span>

  <ul class="h-menu-list">
    <li class="h-menu-item">
      <a href="#" class="h-menu-link">Link</a>
    <li class="h-menu-item">
      <a href="#" class="h-menu-link">Link</a>
    <li class="h-menu-item">
      <a href="#" class="h-menu-link">Link</a>

Inline Menu

<div class="h-menu h-menu-inline">
  <span class="h-menu-heading">INLINE MENU</span>

  <ul class="h-menu-list">
    <li class="h-menu-item">
      <a href="#" class="h-menu-link">Link</a>
    <li class="h-menu-item">
      <a href="#" class="h-menu-link">Link</a>
    <li class="h-menu-item">
      <a href="#" class="h-menu-link">Link</a>


Simple HTML forms.

By default the .h-form class renders a stacked form.

Form elements can be combined with grid unit sizes to render fields of specific widths.

A nice form
<form class="h-form">
    <legend class="h-margin-bottom">A compact inline form</legend> 

    <input class="h-margin-bottom" type="email" placeholder="Email"> 

    <input class="h-margin-bottom" type="password" placeholder="Password" required=""> 

    <input class="h-margin-bottom" type="text" placeholder="Disabled" disabled> 

    <label for="state">State</label>
    <select class="h-margin-bottom" name="state">

    <label class="h-margin-bottom" for="remember">
      <input id="remember" type="checkbox"> Remember me

    <button class="h-btn h-btn-fill" type="submit">Sign in</button>


Foundation to build fully custom, responsive grids.

The built-in grid system provides the foundation for fully custom, responsive grids. Choose a width, and the rest is done for you.

Grids blocks are designated using the .h-g class and grid units .h-u. To enable gutters (1rem) simply wrap the grid block in a grid container element using th .h-c class.

  @media screen and (min-width: 48em){ 
    .main { width: 75%; } 
    .sidebar { width: 25%; } 

<div class="h-c">
  <div class="h-g"> 
    <div class="h-u main"> ... </div> 
    <div class="h-u sidebar"> ... </div> 

Grid Unit Sizes

A 12th scale responsive grid system.

Hydrogen ships with a mobile-first responsive grid system that can be used declaratively through CSS class names (i.e. .h-u-6-12 represents a unit with 50% width). It's a robust and flexible grid that builds on top of the base grid system.

Grid units used without a media prefix (i.e. "-sm", "-md", "-lg", "-xl") are applied to all screen sizes. Grid units with a media prefixes, are applied to the specified width and above. Breakpoint definitions are outlined below.

Prefix Applies Class Name
None All screen sizes h-u-*
sm 30rem h-u-sm-*
md 48rem h-u-md-*
lg 64rem h-u-lg-*
xl 80rem h-u-xl-*

Responsive Grid Example

The example below leverages Hydrogen's grid unit sizes to create a row with four columns. The columns stack on all screens, take up width: 50% on small screens, width: 33.333% on medium-sized screens, and width: 25% on large screens.

This is done by adding the .h-u-12-12 class for all screens, .h-u-sm-6-12 for small screens, .h-u-md-4-12 for medium-sized screens and .h-u-lg-3-12 for extra large screens. Resize the page to see the grid respond to the screen size.

Lorem Ipsum

Nunc interdum dui urna. Donec at lectus sed nisi tristique imperdiet.

Lorem Ipsum

Nunc interdum dui urna. Donec at lectus sed nisi tristique imperdiet.

Lorem Ipsum

Nunc interdum dui urna. Donec at lectus sed nisi tristique imperdiet.

Lorem Ipsum

Nunc interdum dui urna. Donec at lectus sed nisi tristique imperdiet.

<div class="h-g">            
  <div class="h-u-12-12 h-u-sm-6-12 h-u-md-4-12 h-u-lg-3-12">...</div>
  <div class="h-u-12-12 h-u-sm-6-12 h-u-md-4-12 h-u-lg-3-12">...</div>
  <div class="h-u-12-12 h-u-sm-6-12 h-u-md-4-12 h-u-lg-3-12">...</div>
  <div class="h-u-12-12 h-u-sm-6-12 h-u-md-4-12 h-u-lg-3-12">...</div>


Utility classes for common css tasks.


  • .h-display-block (sets display: block;)
  • .h-display-inline (sets display: inline;)
  • .h-display-inline-block (sets display: inline-block;)
  • .h-display-none (sets display: none;)


  • .h-flex (sets display: flex;)
  • .h-flex-column (sets flex-direction: column;)
  • .h-flex-row (sets flex-direction: row;)
  • .h-flex-reverse (sets flex-direction: reverse;)
  • .h-flex-nowrap (sets flex-wrap: nowrap;)
  • .h-flex-wrap (sets flex-wrap: wrap;)
  • .h-flex-align-center (sets align-items: center;)
  • .h-flex-align-end (sets align-items: flex-end;)
  • .h-flex-align-start (sets align-items: flex-start;)
  • .h-flex-align-self-center (sets align-self: center;)
  • .h-flex-align-self-end (sets align-self: flex-end;)
  • .h-flex-align-self-start (sets align-self: flex-start;)
  • .h-flex-justify-center (sets justify-content: center;)
  • .h-flex-justify-end (sets justify-content: flex-end;)
  • .h-flex-justify-space-between (sets justify-content: space-between;)
  • .h-flex-justify-start (sets justify-content: flex-start;)
  • .h-flex-grow (sets flex-grow: 1;)


  • .h-clear (sets clear: both;)
  • .h-clear-left (sets clear: left;)
  • .h-clear-right (sets clear: right;)
  • .h-left (sets float: left;)
  • .h-right (sets float: right;)


  • .h-margin-0 (sets margin: 0;)
  • .h-margin-top-0 (sets margin-top: 0;)
  • .h-margin-right-0 (sets margin-right: 0;)
  • .h-margin-bottom-0 (sets margin-bottom: 0;)
  • .h-margin-left-0 (sets margin-left: 0;)
  • .h-margin-top (sets margin-top: 1rem;)
  • .h-margin-right (sets margin-right: 1rem;)
  • .h-margin-bottom (sets margin-bottom: 1rem;)
  • .h-margin-left (sets margin-left: 1rem;)


  • .h-padding-0 (sets padding: 0;)
  • .h-padding-top-0 (sets padding-top: 0;)
  • .h-padding-right-0 (sets padding-right: 0;)
  • .h-padding-bottom-0 (sets padding-bottom: 0;)
  • .h-padding-left-0 (sets padding-left: 0;)
  • .h-padding-top (sets padding-top: 1rem;)
  • .h-padding-right (sets padding-right: 1rem;)
  • .h-padding-bottom (sets padding-bottom: 1rem;)
  • .h-padding-left (sets margin-left: 1rem;)


  • .h-full-height (sets min-height: 100vh;)
  • .h-full-width (sets width: 100%;)
  • .h-full (sets min-height: 100vh;)

Text Alignment

  • .h-text-center (sets text-align: center;)
  • .h-text-left (sets text-align: left;)
  • .h-text-right (sets text-align: right;)

Customize & Extend

Designed to be both customizable and extensible.

Hydrogen is broken up into a set of responsive modules, adopting SMACSS as a convention for writing our CSS. For those who are new to SMACSS, you should give it a quick read, especially the section on module rules.

One of the conventions in Hydrogen is for every module to have a standard class name for common rules across a module, and then have additional class names for specific presentational rules for a specific sub-module. All classes start with a h- prefix to prevent collisions.


To customize simply clone the source from GitHub, navigate to the project route & run npm install and modify the contents of the _variables.less and/or components/_variables.less file(s). Once finished, run the build process by navigating to the project root and running npm start.


Common elements to help meet your deadlines.


I'm a test alert!
I'm a test alert with a close! ×
<div class="h-alert">I'm a test alert!</div>

<!-- With a close button -->
<div class="h-alert">
  I'm a test alert with a close!
  <span class="h-alert-close">&times;</span>


Badge 1 Badge 2

<span class="h-badge">Badge 1</span>
<span class="h-badge h-badge-fill">Badge 2</span>


Home / Stories / A Great Tale
<div class="h-breadcrumbs">
  <a href="#" class="h-breadcrumbs-item">Home</a>
  <span class="h-breadcrumbs-spacer">/</span>
  <a href="#" class="h-breadcrumbs-item">Stories</a>
  <span class="h-breadcrumbs-spacer">/</span>
  <span class="h-breadcrumbs-item">A Great Tale</span>

Button Groups

<div class="h-btn-group">
  <button class="h-btn">Button 1</button>
  <button class="h-btn">Button 2</button>
  <button class="h-btn">Button 3</button>
  <button class="h-btn">Button 4</button>

<div class="h-btn-group">
  <button class="h-btn h-btn-fill">Button 1</button>
  <button class="h-btn h-btn-fill">Button 2</button>
  <button class="h-btn h-btn-fill">Button 3</button>
  <button class="h-btn h-btn-fill">Button 4</button>


I'm a test card!
<div class="h-card h-text-center">
  <div class="h-card-header">
  <div class="h-card-body">
    I'm a test card!
  <div class="h-card-footer">

Input Groups

USD$ .00
<form action="" class="h-form h-form-stack">
  <div class="h-input-group h-margin-bottom">
    <span class="h-input-group-addon">http://</span>
    <input class="h-input-group-field" type="text" />

  <div class="h-input-group h-margin-bottom">
    <span class="h-input-group-addon">@</span>
    <input class="h-input-group-field" type="text" />

  <div class="h-input-group h-margin-bottom">
    <input class="h-input-group-field" type="text" />
    <span class="h-input-group-addon">.com</span>

  <div class="h-input-group h-margin-bottom">
    <span class="h-input-group-addon">USD$</span>
    <input class="h-input-group-field" type="text" />
    <span class="h-input-group-addon">.00</span>

  <div class="h-input-group h-margin-bottom">
    <button class="h-input-group-addon">Up</button>
    <button class="h-input-group-addon">Down</button>
    <input class="h-input-group-field h-flex-grow" type="text" />
    <button class="h-input-group-addon">Delete</button>

  <label>Two Inputs</label>
  <div class="h-input-group h-margin-bottom">
    <input class="h-input-group-field" type="text" placeholder="Title" />
    <input class="h-input-group-field h-flex-grow" type="text" placeholder="Name" />

  <label>Three Inputs</label>
  <div class="h-input-group h-margin-bottom">
    <input class="h-input-group-field" type="text" placeholder="Title" />
    <input class="h-input-group-field h-flex-grow" type="text" placeholder="Name" />
    <input class="h-input-group-field" type="text" placeholder="Email" />

  <label>Two Inputs Stack</label>
  <div class="h-input-group h-input-group-stack">
    <input class="h-input-group-field" type="text" placeholder="Title" />
    <input class="h-input-group-field" type="text" placeholder="Name" />

  <div class="h-input-group h-input-group-stack">
    <input class="h-input-group-field" type="text" placeholder="Title" />
    <textarea class="h-input-group-field" type="text" placeholder="Text"></textarea>


Badge w/ Pill 1 Badge w/ Pill 122
<button class="h-btn">
  Button w/ Pill
  <span class="h-pill h-right h-margin-left">3</span>

<button class="h-btn h-btn-fill">
  Button w/ Pill
  <span class="h-pill h-pill-inverted h-right h-margin-left">233</span>

<span class="h-badge">
  Badge w/ Pill
  <span class="h-pill h-right h-margin-left">1</span>

<span class="h-badge h-badge-fill">
  Badge w/ Pill
  <span class="h-pill h-pill-inverted h-right h-margin-left">122</span>


Title Subtitle

<h1 class="h-title">
  <span class="h-subtitle">Subtitle</span>